Blackwood Park Nursery Master Plan and Development Approval
_ Craigburn Farm, South Australia
_ Adelaide Development Company
_ 2021-2022
_ <$50,000
Jensen PLUS was engaged by Adelaide Development Company to redesign a residential master plan for the last remaining site at the Blackwood Park development at Craigburn Farm. The site housed the former Minda Plant Nursery, and contains a local heritage place and a number of regulated and significant trees as well as native vegetation.
Adelaide Development Company sought a more efficient layout that resulted in an increased yield from the original scheme approved on the site several years earlier.
A revised scheme achieved a layout for 32 allotments (5 additional), along with the retention of the majority of the regulated and significant trees on the site and sensitive integration of the local heritage place. The scheme was developed collaboratively with Council’s planning, engineering and horticultural staff to achieve a design outcome that was supported by all parties.
Jensen PLUS also prepared a development application against the Planning and Design Code, and negotiated its approval, along with an accompanying landscape concept and toolkit to guide the public realm improvements.